<strong>стремления и опасения</strong>

Ethiopian Opposition Parties Criticize Governments Handling of Political Negotiations

Национальный проект по готовности к педиатрической помощи

Результаты политической нестабильности

Последствия политической нестабильности включают в себя неопределенность, ухудшение доверия к институтам и ослабление управления. В отсутствие прочной демократической структуры голоса и аспирации людей могут остаться незамеченными, что дополнительно усугубляет напряженность и раскол в нации.

Воспоминания о Новом Годе

Можете ли Вы вспомнить Новогоднее событие, которое оставило неизгладимый след в вас, независимо от того, было ли это положительным или отрицательным опытом?

Во время моей студенческой жизни я испытал незабываемый момент, когда феодальное правление Хайле Селассие I подошло к концу – важное событие в эфиопской политике. Это изменение стало значительным поворотным моментом в моей жизни. Мое освобождение из тюрьмы после семилетнего заключения в 1984 году до сих пор осталось в памяти.

Какое(ие) эфиопское блюдо(блюда) вы отлично готовите, если вам дается такая возможность?

Я не очень большой кулинар.

Абрахам Хайманот (доктор философии) – президент Революционной партии народа Эфиопии (EPRP). Он занимает эту должность с 2018 года.

Моя главная цель – мир в нашей стране. С продолжающимися конфликтами и нестабильностью важно, чтобы мы приоритизировали мир как единственное жизнеспособное решение для будущего Эфиопии. Я крайне верю, что достижение мира возможно, и моим конечным желанием является свидетельствовать о объединенной Эфиопии, где все члены общества живут в гармонии.

Несмотря на наши различия, я надеюсь на политическую систему, которая устраняет этнические разделения и способствует национальному единству через справедливый федерализм, обеспечивая равномерное распределение богатства и власти. Совместными усилиями мы можем создать страну, свободную от насилия и конфликтов.

Как политик и лидер политической партии, моя основная забота связана с угрозой распада моей страны. К сожалению, это жесткая реальность для эфиопцев, которые борются с продолжающимися конфликтами и политической нестабильностью. Годы насилия и неспокойства подтолкнули нацию к опасному обрыву, оставив ее население обремененным чувством фрагментации и тревожной озабоченности.

Помимо продолжающегося конфликта, эфиопцам приходится сталкиваться с множеством проблем, включая бедность, засуху и продовольственную небезопасность. Эти проблемы только усугубляются из-за неспособности правящей партии найти немедленные решения. Вместо того, чтобы действовать как ответственный управляющий орган, поведение правительства напоминает действия разрушительных агентов.

Быстрое действие необходимо для того, чтобы предотвратить исчезновение нашей страны, погружение в полномасштабную гражданскую войну и распад.

По мере приближения Нового Года на меня часто находит упадок настроения и тоска по дому, вызывая воспоминания о моей родине и радостной атмосфере, царившей в тот период. Проведя несколько лет за границей как мигрант, ожидание праздника Нового Года всегда разжигало во мне искру надежды на более светлое будущее и процветание.

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Праздничная атмосфера в Эфиопии: Уникальное празднование

I am wholeheartedly dedicated to nurturing my child’s intellectual curiosity, fostering a genuine love for learning, and instilling core values that will shape their character. This holistic approach will enable them to lead a purpose-driven life and become a catalyst for positive change within their community and beyond.

One of my greatest fears arises from the daunting prospect of another war, which carries the potential to dismantle the precious bonds we cherish with our loved ones and dear friends. In times of conflict, the very fabric of society can be strained, and the consequences can extend far and wide, causing profound anguish. The mere thought of being separated from those we hold dear, and the possibility of losing them to the ravages of war, evokes a profound sense of sadness and anxiety.

At the heart of this fear lies an ardent yearning for peace and harmony. We yearn for a world where conflicts are resolved through dialogue, understanding, and diplomacy, rather than through the horrors of war.

It is truly heart-wrenching to recall my friend’s birthday falling on New Year’s Day, a time when we used to joyfully celebrate together. Regrettably, he tragically lost his life in the midst of the conflict, preventing us from commemorating the arrival of the New Year side by side.

Cooking Tibes during the holidays holds a cherished and sentimental place in my heart. Tibes is a traditional dish of great cultural significance, symbolizing a deep-rooted connection to the holiday season. Its preparation and enjoyment evoke a profound sense of warmth and nostalgia.

Fitsum Nigusse, the CEO of Besh Gebeya, is a highly skilled businessman with more than 15 years of experience in the export and construction sector.

I want to see the inauguration of the Lemi Cement Factory.

Death is my biggest fear.

I had an unforgettable experience while traveling abroad. While on a flight, the plane I was aboard unexpectedly encountered turbulence. That particular moment is unforgettable.

Although I don’t have a specific dish in mind, one thing I enjoy making is popcorn.

Elias Meseret is a journalist and a fact checker with vast experience in media sector. He is currently a freelance journalist and runs a fact checking organization called EthioCheck.

My deepest wish is for Ethiopia to flourish as a nation of peace.

On New Year’s Day in 2014, I invited two individuals to my home to help with slaughtering a sheep for the holiday. Little did I know that they were thieves. I vividly recall chasing after them for around 1 km as they tried to run off with the sheep. After a strenuous pursuit, they eventually grew tired and stopped, allowing me to retrieve the animal unharmed.

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What currently instills the greatest sense of fear in me is the possibility of ongoing conflicts in our country escalating further.

The Epidemiology team members at the Tulsa Health Department are all considered responders specific to events such as bioterrorism, infectious diseases, and mass potential outbreaks. Many times, people think of natural disasters such as hurricanes and tornados that cause a threat to people’s safety, but COVID-19 brought Epidemiology to the forefront of an infectious disease outbreak that affected millions of people.

What is the Emergency Planning & Response Program (EPRP)? EPRP was created after the anthrax attack on the United States in 2001. The country saw that there was a dire need for safety procedures and protocols to ensure proper communication for efficient management. The Tulsa Health Department’s emergency program has been a key pillar in many public health emergencies such as natural disasters, H1N1, Mpox, and was instrumental in the COVID-19 management to keep our Tulsa County residents as safe as possible. The specific purpose of the EPRP team is to “provide planning, training and establish preparedness to respond to the effects of potential emergencies whether they are man-made or natural disasters.”

EPRP Highlight: Kamalei Emler, Community Outreach Coordinator “The Emergency Preparedness and Response Program (EPRP) is responsible for maintaining plans that ensure an effective and efficient response to public health emergencies in Tulsa County. My job as community outreach coordinator is to develop partnerships with community agencies to ensure agreements are in place to protect the population during a public health emergency.

When I was in college, I took a class called Emergency Management, where we learned about some of the biggest disasters our country and the world have ever seen. It fascinated me to learn how resilient the communities were and how they responded to the events, have it been manmade or natural disasters. I enjoy the unpredictability of the field and the sense of comradery to serve the community in its time of need. My passion came from that class and has only grown since joining EPRP.”

How does the Epidemiology team work with EPRP?COVID-19 was a perfect example of such as the Epi team was tasked with case investigations, contact tracing, testing and vaccine activities, and outbreak monitoring that was aided with the planning and procedures of the EPRP team. While the EPRP team had the protocol and the organization skills to mass-vaccinate residents and reduce the spread of COVID-19, the Epi team had the expertise concerning infection control and prevention. Working together closely, both teams were able to reduce the potential spread of COVID-19 and provide essential skills to residents.

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More information and resources:

EPRPEthiopian Peoples Revolutionary Party

EPRPEmergency Preparedness Response ProgramMiscellaneous » Unclassified

EPRPEmergency Preparedness and Response PlanMiscellaneous » Unclassified

EPRPEd Poverty Reduction ProgrammeMiscellaneous » Unclassified

EPRPEmergency Preparedness and Response ProgramMiscellaneous » Unclassified

EPRPExtramural Prevention Research ProgramAcademic & Science » Research

EPRPEnvironmental Protection and Regulations ProgramGovernmental » Environmental

EPRPEthiopian People’s Revolutionary PartyMiscellaneous » Unclassified

EPRPEnvironmental Performance And Recognition ProgramGovernmental » Environmental

EPRPEthnic Peace Resources ProjectMiscellaneous » Unclassified

EPRPElectricity Pricing Research ProjectAcademic & Science » Research

EPRPEmergency Prospective Review ProgramMiscellaneous » Unclassified

EPRPExternal Peer Review ProgramMiscellaneous » Unclassified

EPRPEnvironmental Performance Recognition ProgramGovernmental » Environmental

EPRPErie Pa Reentry ProgramMiscellaneous » Unclassified

EPRPErasmus Project Results PlatformMiscellaneous » Unclassified

EPRPEmergency Preparedness and Response PackageMiscellaneous » Unclassified

EPRPEthnicity and Public Recreation ParticipationCommunity » Parks & Recreation

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